Monday, December 6, 2010

Superior Lamp Products Help Protect the Environment

Superior Lamp Products Help Protect the EnvironmentFor over 33 years, Superior Lamp Inc has remained vigilant in keeping with their corporate goal of focusing on producing environmentally safe, “green” lighting products.
With products that focus on providing customers the benefit of energy savings, and help with the conservation of precious natural resources such as their Enviro Safe LED Xtrabrites, Superior Lamp Inc. is certainly doing their part.
Americans know that fossil fuel burning isn’t a benefit to the environment; neither is offshore drilling or dumping plastic bags of trash, that’s a no brainer. How to bridge the gap between knowing what is right and wrong and taking steps to make things better is the big question.
There is some truth to the fact that “greenwashing” is taking place in our market place today. Wherever an opportunity to game a system raises its ugly head, there will be people trying to take unsavory advantage of the situation. Consumers should always beware and do more than a summary glance at the choices they make to protect our environment and the health of their companies and families.
That is why, Superior Lamp announces it’s, “Real Green Advantage Program” this endeavor will dedicate its weight to informing commercial, industrial and institution concerns of all the possible viable options and raising red flags with less savory concepts.
This program will be a forum via as well as consist of ongoing updates as to what can be done to safeguard the environment. Superior Lamp Inc., will be addressing the “greenwashing” effect. With every new technology Americans have to remain aware of the pluses and minuses that come hand in hand with the possible benefits that can be derived. Superior Lamp invites you to visit their Blog at for more detailed information on Superior Lamp, its products and efforts to keep the environment green.
For more information about Superior Lamp, please call 800-257-8353 or visit the company website at the following helpful link: .


Media Contact:
Tom Mosher
Superior Lamp Inc.
200 Century Pkwy Ste B
Mount laurel, NJ 08054

Monday, November 15, 2010

To all at Superior Lamp IF YOU CAN’T SAY ANYTHING GOOD

To all at Superior Lamp

Superior Lamp announces its campaign to help eliminate “Cyber Bullying”. The statistics are growing: “Half of public school principals (49%) report that bullying, name calling, or harassment is a serious problem. There was a time when most people figured that a certain amount of hassling was just a part of the maturation process. Today the whole bullying phenomena has gotten way out of hand.

With the computer and the instant ability to make comments, based in fact or fabricated, that are spread for any and all to see the chaos and damage that can be done, is devastating to anybody that is targeted. This effect is not just something that is solely being demonstrated by unmonitored youth but has become prevalent throughout our society.

Oftentimes our youth is blamed for creating new and devious ways to wreak havoc on their peers. Well, in this case the blame may lie in another area of our culture. While the internet has been a value in some areas, the unbridled and unrestrained venue that the internet provides, has created again a new term that has raced to the top of our vocabulary, “Cyber Bullying”.

The biggest part of this equation is that this was not something created by our children, rather it is what the adults of our community that have not only allowed this to prosper but have encouraged it on a daily basis.

Take a look at the current negative ads that we allow. All political parties employ this tactic to belittle their opponent. Oftentimes, there is little or no corroborated facts involved. The simple fact that we, as members of our society, let this continue is fodder for our children to lash out at people with which they come in contact. Until America makes a commitment to identify and eliminate all forms of bullying, cyber or otherwise, how can we expect our children to get the message.

Superior Lamp is going to list on its blogs --------------------continuing updated information on where you can see, and have access to sites that address this serious area of concern to all Americans. Superior believes it is time to put a stop to all bullying on the web as well as the school yard.

If you see comments that are unsubstantiated in nature and you do not correct or at least disregard this information, you are not only victim of bullying, but also a contributor to its dissemination. We all have to become aware that just because somebody or some site states something does not make it true. This nation has always had to deal with similar issues and by doing so has moved forward and remained the great nation that we are.

Tom Mosher
Executive Staff

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Superior Lamp Confronts Thomas Edison In The 21st Century

Jersey City, NJ (1888PressRelease) October 05, 2010 - Thomas A. Edison and Alexander G. Bell were two great American inventors, and if they came back today they may not even recognize their original inventions. While their initial models were destined to change the world, the renovations to their culture changing marvels today, just a short time ago, was the stuff of science fiction.

The original light bulb, while continuing to be used as a symbol for a new idea, has now been outlawed in some countries as an inefficient remnant of days gone by. The telephone and its progress over the decades have also taken on so many changes, that Mr. Bell would marvel at its progression. Think about it. Where is the closest phone booth? The last time you to spoke to an operator was when? People don't even look at the wall anymore when the phone rings.

Superior Lamp ( leading the way by offering "Green" technologies which allow companies to solve lighting problems while adhering to, or exceeding lighting standards. American industry is in a battle with the rest of the world to remain a competitive force and one of the areas that will be the easiest to change is our lighting standards. Superior Lamp states that, "By just replacing your old-designed lighting with new and more efficient state of the art products, you could save your company on time, energy and effort."

If you are currently looking around your facility and seeing remnants of an era gone by, not only can you save your company precious dollars, but you can help in the "Greening Process" of our country and help us remain a world leader. "It's the right thing to do," states Tom Mosher, a member of the executive staff at Superior Lamp. He continues with, "Airlines invest in new planes just to receive better mileage and new buildings are being designed to replace old ones that just are not capable of being upgraded to green requirements."

Superior Lamp announces that many of their hi-tech products don't even require replacing fixtures; all you have to do is unscrew the old and put in the new. All of the world will benefit from the actions taken by companies going green. Superior Lamp states they are ready to help you move forward with your company's efforts.

For more information about Superior Lamp, call 800-257-8353 or please visit their website at the following link:
The Superior Lamp company blog can also be found at the following link:


Monday, September 20, 2010



“I don’t even know what I will be doing next weekend, much less, for the rest of my life!” was my child’s answer to my question. Kids are so ‘to the point’. When you start to think about it, they have such an unencumbered outlook on daily situations and events that all of us adults bring to each encounter, more or less, as baggage. Our views are weighted by our own past experiences and memorable events in history, that we often pre-judge situations and make blanket decisions based on our life-tutored experiences.

There is a lot to say about learning from the past, but it should not be our only point of reference. If that were the case, then the woman who invented the wheel should have just kept pushing the big boulder through the hot sand and left well enough alone. “Wilbur, don’t go to the beach with that damned stupid winged contraption! I need you to stay here and fix these bicycles!” You go, Wilbur…you ‘da’ man.

The fresh ideas and enthusiasm that are often expressed by youth should not be discounted and likewise, when someone tells you, the salesman, “no,” if you give up convincing them that your idea is worthy, then you do not believe in what you are doing and you are destined for failure. The confidence and tenacity or enthusiasm you profess because you know that your products will best serve your accounts, is the reason why you will endure and become successful. The test that your account is giving you is to see if you really do believe in what you are offering.

The “No” or the “Stop” is something that every successful person has had thrown in their face. The “winners”, or the successful, have all had to overcome negative experiences and those experiences are what allow some to become leaders while others keep pushing the stone through the sand.

After having this same meaningful discussion with my son, I know that I succeeded because he told me he now knew what he was going to do this weekend; he was going to the beach. (Like all parents, I am unable to get my well thought out points across all the time.)

In closing, I would like to say that if you know what you are doing for the rest of your life and that it is sales, then be a winner and don’t take “no” for an answer when all your accounts really want is for you to be persistent and close with confidence and conviction .

Good Selling

Tom Mosher
Executive staff

Monday, September 13, 2010

Superior Lamp’s open letter to America: GREENER YET

Superior Lamp’s open letter to America:


How green is green enough? I am assuming that you have made some attempt by now to “Go Green”. Maybe you no longer use plastic bags at the grocer; good move. Maybe you purchased a more fuel-efficient vehicle; also not a bad idea. You know the funny part about all this is that we are being encouraged to use things that are good for the environment and the additional benefit is that they all save us money. Saving money is a good thing, right?

Think about it; the greener we get, we are not only helping to save the planet but it also helps us save money at the same time. The only thing that plastic bags do is help us preserve the garbage we end up putting in them for hundreds of years. My garbage is just not that important to me.

The only thing that we have to change is our habits. I would have to find a place to keep my reusable canvas shopping bags. I would have to think about turning off the energy-saving lamp when I came out of a room. I would have to remember to combine shopping trips in order to save fuel. What do all these things have in common? We have to think about them. It always takes more thought to save than to spend, but that is how saving works, right?

If one positive thing comes out of the Gulf Spill, it is to give Americans another nudge as to why we have to be energy conscious. Digging holes in the ground to use toxic compounds to make our life better short-term is not a good idea. There is a cost to everything we do and a responsibility that comes along with every action we take. If we do not stop and take a serious look at the bad habits we have developed in the past 150 years, we are eventually going to need to speed up our space program…so we can find another planet with a like atmosphere and similar climate to screw up next. Oh, and by the way, Scottie is not ready to beam you up yet.

I am sure that each one of us can invest 5 minutes to take the next action we need to in order to get greener; think about it.

Listed below are some links that can help you get involved with ideas of more “Greening”:

Tom Mosher
Executive Staff

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Superior Lamp Sales Tips- "The Last Straw"


Situations that arise sometimes invoke idioms or old sayings that bring that idiom into clear focus. “The Last Straw” is an old Mid-Eastern phrase that was derived from overloading a camel with that one ‘last straw’ that broke the beast’s back.

Each of us carries the burdens of everyday life with us on a regular basis; the house payment, the car, the back to school, Johnny’s braces, and oh yeah… my sons’ texting bills. Whew! Will it ever stop? The answer is probably not. So how do we juggle all these concerns and still focus on the task at hand, selling?

Well the good news is that you are not alone. All of us that enter our chosen profession encounter the same burdens as the camel. While continuing to balance our heavy loads, the desert that we, as sales people, have to cross each day is a different than other professions’. To be effective in our daily production, we have to project a persona that exhibits confidence and a positive attitude. To get to the next ‘oasis’ or sale we have to have the ability to reach down inside and motivate ourselves to remain positive.

I want to share a couple of secrets with you that have helped me walk the hot sands and remain positive. I have an old, stained and dog eared 3 x 5 card in my car, affixed to my sun visor that simply reads, “Fake it till you make it”. One of my morning rituals includes looking up at that card and reading it. Sounds simple, right? If I concentrate on all my troubles, the accounts that I call on will see that frustration and dismiss me. Believe me, they are carrying their own burdens and are not interested in experiencing mine. So I simply force or ‘fake’ a smile and low and behold the smile is contagious. I am not capable of brain surgery, but a 3 x 5 card is a tool I can handle.

The next tool I utilize has helped many sales professionals out when they were feeling the heat of the desert starting to get to them. This excellent tool is motivational books. Now if you are like most people, the thought of sitting down and completely reading a book, cover to cover, is as foreign as putting catsup on ice cream. Well the good news here is that opening just one of the many covers, and reading just a couple of pages, will help. I find that getting started down this road is best in small bites. The reason that these authors sell thousands of books each year is that they help the readers to clear their minds and receive positive clues on how to get up mentally and approach situations with a positive attitude. To discover one of these fantastic tools, just Google “motivational writers” and you’re off. Many of these books are available at your local library. (That’s the building down by the post office…just kidding.) Want different results? Try something different. These two tools have helped many camels dance across the hot sands.

Good selling

Tom Mosher
Executive Staff

Thursday, August 19, 2010



Everyday we are bombarded with information from more and more available sources. The information age is turning into the “overload age”. If you and I are experiencing this glut of supposed facts, then you can be pretty sure your customers are receiving the same overabundance of information on a daily basis. In the end, what it comes down to is that we are all looking for the right answers but there are so many choices. The ‘he said’ or ‘she said’ can present a mind numbing situation that makes the decision making process very complicated. This is where the conviction or belief that we show in our own products and services can make the difference in closing a sale.

In my last communication, I mentioned that we would be reviewing the tools you have available in your toolbox. There is a strong tool in the box that helps the buyer make his decision: The Order Blank Close. This technique has been around the sales profession for many decades, and there is good reason that this tool has survived over the years …. IT WORKS!!!

Most accounts you call on are making decisions based, not only on the information they receive via the demonstration or your presentation, but also the conviction you demonstrate when closing. They are looking for the salesperson that believes in their product and who will be around in the future to service their account. One of the strongest statements you can make is to assume the sale. When you put your head down and start to write, it shows you are expecting a ‘yes’, and it is just a natural continuation of the sale. Yes, conviction turns lookers into buyers.

Will you get objections after you begin to write on the order pad? You should expect them and be ready to follow up with the appropriate rebuttal, then return to the order pad and write up the order. If you hesitate to write on the pad, it shows the buyer that you don’t believe and conversely, why should they? The Order Blank Close and the conviction with which you proceed will instill confidence in the buyer that they are making the right decision.

…..DO YOU BELIEVE…..!!!!

Tom Mosher
Executive Staff

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Superior Lamp Raises Third and Fourth Quarter Sales Goals

Superior Lamp Raises Third and Fourth Quarter Sales Goals

As America begins to climb out of the depths of the recent recession there is an ever growing need for energy efficient lighting products, as Superior Lamp markets.

One of the first positive effects after the downfall is that, quite possibly for the first time, America is becoming “energy wise”. Superior Lamp feels that because of the combination of the Gulf Oil Disaster and tighter budgets due to the recession that, for the first time, Energy conservation and the ‘greening’ process of our nation is truly underway. This is being authenticated by the increase in sales of Superior’s quality “eco-friendly” and energy saving products, according to Superior Lamp.

Going green and being energy wise, has become something more of the norm in everyday life. Doing your part for the environment is just as important in your place of business as it is in your home. Going green is not just a fad anymore. It is important to you and your community, as well as being friendly to the planet. Once considered fashionable, it is now much more budget-wise to upgrade your home and business in many aspects including lighting and taking an additional step to being green.

Coming to this realization has been the reason that Superior Lamp has launched a number of eco-friendly products including its industrial grade Freshwite fluorescents, hi-tech LED’s and their new heavy duty Xtrabrite LED’s. The launch of these new products is in response to Superior’s continued commitment to energy conservation and the greening process is in the forefront of consumer minds.
“We see good things happening across the nation this quarter and are looking to large increases in the coming quarters” stated Tom Mosher a member of the executive staff at Superior Lamp.

Superior Lamp invites you to visit their blog at for more information on Superior Lamp, its products and efforts to keep the environment green or become their fan on Facebook

For more information about Superior Lamp, please call 800-257-8353 or visit the company website at the following link: .

Media Contact
Tom Mosher

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Superior Lamp Integrity Department


Honesty, truthfulness, honor, and reliability: four words that come to mind when describing the values contained within this one word, integrity.

It is every successful company’s original goal to adhere to these hallowed words when they open their doors for the first time. Often times however, these goals get short changed in the day to day running of a company when that company is focused only on the short term bottom line. It is the shortsightedness of many businesses to cut corners or neglect the concerns of its clients when they are in need of service and/or have an actual problem. In the long run, that is the eventual downfall of a company’s customer service and eventually, in many cases, the company itself.

At Superior we have always been aware of the fact that our clients are not only in charge of our revenue stream but that they are our partners for success. If our products or our service fail to perform, we both lose. It was with this in mind that at the beginning of this year we created our Integrity Department.

The Integrity Department has become an important conduit in addressing our clients’ concerns and has addressed all inquires to date within 24 hours after the information has been received and solved any concerns within 72 business hours. It is because of this success that we are now going to expand and further promote this department by marketing this service through our sales representatives. We now will be promoting this service on the internet and with a web address available to all our accounts to address any concerns.

To date, the Integrity Department has addressed over twenty-five customer concerns and all have been handled to the accounts’ satisfaction. It is this type of immediate response that today’s marketplace demands and we are more than willing to meet this demand.

Superior Lamp Executive Staff
Executive Staff

Friday, June 18, 2010



Superior Lamp is proud to announce another great leap forward in the “Greening” of America. With the expansion of their INDUSTRIAL GRADE LED PRODUCTS Superior is ready to supply all their current accounts with leading edge LED lamps. These lamps will drastically reduce recycling costs while having a tremendous positive effect on their accounts’ bottom lines.

With today’s news from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, all Americans are again searching for ways to not only reduce the oil we import from foreign domains but reduce all fossil energy consumption. With the advent of Superior’s expanded Xtrabrite LED’S, Americans now have choices.

In comparison to outdated lamps being offered by their counterparts Superior’s LED lamps, with a life span of 15 years guaranteed, will reduce replacement costs to all that invest in this state of art technology. The old 100 watt light bulb was great for producing heat and the by-product of the heat was light. Superior’s leading edge advancements not only address energy savings, which is a national priority for all of us, but their Xtrabite technology produces a color correction that is just like removing the ceiling and working in natural sunlight.

The new industrial grade heavy duty LED lamps come in 3 watt varieties: 5W PAR 16, 8W PAR 20 and 14W Long Neck PAR 30. They run at 89% efficiency making them an energy saver and supporting Superior Lamp’s efforts to promote the Green movement with yet another green product to offer accounts. With the Green movement in the forefront, these LED bulbs are a great way to promote a better environment for all.

The LED Xtrabrites are packed with features such as precision optics which results in excellent beam control. They are mercury free lamps and do not emit UV rays. The lamps are non-heat projecting making them safe to the touch. Their aluminum cooling fins keep critical electronics cool; adding to their safety features.

The Xtrabrites can be used in almost any commercial and industrial areas; more specifically the 14W Long Neck PAR 30, which comes in LED Xtrabrite, is the perfect energy efficient lamp for recessed lighting canisters.

Superior Lamp invites you to visit their Blog at for more information on Superior Lamp, its products and efforts to keep the environment Green.

For more information about Superior Lamp, please call 800-257-8353 or visit the company website at the following link:

Executive Staff

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Superior Lamp Lighting Products Country of Origin



In today’s multi-national economy, some of our customers have wondered which countries supply Superior Lamp's product. In selecting manufacturers for our Premium Quality products, Superior Lamp follows these purchasing criteria:

1. Quality: Regardless of where something comes from, it must meet or exceed our high quality standards. This gives our customers excellent service and value for their lighting dollar. Quality also protects your repeat business, keeping YOU #1.

2. We buy American whenever domestic products are available in our quality specifications. We support the USA and back up this support with our purchasing dollars. Keeping America’s economy healthy helps S.L. and helps you and your family.

3. If some products are sourced from non-domestic manufacturers, it means that either:

A. This product isn’t made domestically, making it likely that other lighting companies need to import it as well.


B. Domestically made products do not meet our quality standards. These may include specialty lamps such as Tubulars, Indicators, and selected Decorative lamps.

Regardless of the country of origin for Superior Lamp's products (which is America for the majority of the items), our customers can rest assured that Premium Quality is the #1 priority

Tuesday, June 1, 2010



Superior Lamp's Double Arc HPS lamps provide instant restart capability. Other High Intensity Discharge lamps (Mercury, Single-Arc HPS, or Metal Halide) won’t instantly restart if they are hot from operation. They must cool down, which can take several minutes, and can be merely a nuisance, or it could pose a serious safety hazard (especially for correctional facility lighting).

Superior Lamp's Double Arc HPS lamps have two identical arc tubes inside the lamp. Only one arc tube lights at a time, leaving the second backup tube cool and ready to provide instant light in case the power is momentarily interrupted.

Extra-Long Life Saves Your Customer Money
Two separate arc tubes means only one arc tube lights at a time. That means our Superior Lamp Double Arc HPS lamps last almost twice as long as our single arc HPS lamps by splitting the operation load over time. Superior's Double Arc HPS lamps are guaranteed for an amazing 100 months. That’s super long life, saving customers big on:
- Replacement lamp costs.
- Labor costs. These costs, including equipment rentals (lifts or bucket trucks), are typically more than the cost of the replacement lamps.

Selling the Double Arc HPS to your HPS customers will give them more security and more savings, and provide you more satisfied customers and more sales!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Superior Lamp Inc Sales Increase in First Quarter

Superior Lamp Inc Sales Increase in First Quarter
In times of economic uncertainty, Superior Lamp Inc., has been able to report an increase in sales, thanks to the "Green" movement.


PR Log (Press Release) – May 13, 2010 – In a time of uncertainty and instability, Superior Lamp announces its first quarter profits are up by 18%. Along with the major auto manufactures, Superior Lamp sees the economy starting to pick up momentum. As each sector of the economy emerges from the last recession there are positive signs starting to surface.

While there still are sectors lagging behind, many critical industry indicators show there is a pent-up demand for products that are required to get America moving again. Lighting has always been a staple when the doors of a company are open and Superior tells us their current up swing has come from all areas of the country. They state that while investment in some products have not picked up yet they see companies searching for quality products that not only meet a need but help them to “Go Green”.

Going Green is an increasing trend that is starting to phase into something more of the norm in everyday life. Recycling has even become a mandate in many states and towns. Superior Lamp has always been on the forefront of the Green movement with many of its products, and has even created a blog to engage those interested in improving our planet as well as those who are willing to learn more. It is a companywide belief that reaching out to the entire population and explaining the benefits of going Green is of great importance. Visit the blog at

Superior Lamp states an increase in its eco-friendly, industrial grade Freshwite Fluorescents sales and its new hi-tech LED’s are leading the way forward. Tom Mosher, a member of the executive staff of Superior Lamp states, “The future for America is looking stronger everyday and now that companies are intent on “Going Green” Superior is positioned to be a leader in the industrial lighting field for many more years to come. Everyone at Superior now believes the light at the end of the tunnel is the sun, not a train heading our way.” Times are changing for the better and Superior Lamp, Inc as well as other companies has started to feel the benefits.

For more information about Superior Lamp, please call 800-257-8353 or visit the company website at the following link:

Friday, May 21, 2010

Superior Lamp Product Tip

Energy-Saving HEAVY-DUTY™

Increasing nationwide electrical infrastructure costs. Increasing electrical demand. Carbon taxes on coal power. These are all topics that are or will be raising your customer’s energy costs. With the current focus on energy prices making national headlines, many people are thinking about items to cut back on energy usage. Most of Superior Lamp’s products can save electricity. This week we will focus on one of the lamps that S.L. has sold for many years…the HEAVY DUTY™ incandescent.

Some may ask “Why use HEAVY-DUTY™ instead of our energy-efficient Enviro-Twist™ spiral lamps?”…The answer: Because it’s fool-proof and it saves 12% in energy costs! It’s like getting a 12% drop in your electric rate for those sockets! And it carries a great 24 month warranty.

Unlike Enviro-Twist™ spirals, HEAVY-DUTY™ incandescent lamps can be used on dimmers, can be changed with pole-changers. They can also be used in extreme cold without any problems, they come on to full brightness instantly (no warm-up time), and are a rugged, rough service design. Yes, the Enviro-Twist™ saves the most energy, but they can’t be used in as many locations. The HEAVY-DUTY™ is fool-proof.

HEAVY-DUTY™ have been an anchor of the S.L. product line for over 20 years. Developed during the energy crisis of the 1970’s, the HEAVY-DUTY™ was designed as an energy-saving replacement of standard incandescents. It had another great feature; with its rough-service long-life design, it could carry a terrific warranty.

Re-lamping just 30 standard 100-watt lamps with
HEAVY-DUTY™ lamps could provide $315.30 annual savings! That means these lamps would pay for themselves in as quickly as 5 months! Plus, there would be additional savings from lowered air conditioning usage, and from the labor and lamp costs saved by lasting up to 24 times the life of a shortlife lamp.

Remember that your HEAVY-DUTY™ lamps are both great energy-saving lamps, and great extra-long life lamps.
Good Selling!

*Annual savings calculated using lamps operating 24Hr/day for 365 days/year at $.10 per Kwh.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Superior Lamp’s Environmentally Friendly Fluorescents

Superior Lamp’s Environmentally Friendly Fluorescents

Increased awareness of recycling and the hazards of mercury have made environmentally friendly lamps an important part of Superior Lamp’s product line. We are a leader in the lighting industry for environmentally friendly products. Superior Lamp’s lamps are built with cutting edge technologies that make them friendly to the environment due to low mercury content and long life design.

Our lamps contain the lowest average levels of mercury in the industry, mainly due to our mercury release capsule. The industry range of mercury content per tube is 15-48mg for a 4’ bi-pin fluorescent. S.L.’s 4’ TCLP-compliant lamps containing less than 4.4mg, and we are working to lower our mercury levels even more. Our lamps are TCLP-compliant, meaning they pass the federal government’s test for toxic chemical leaching in landfills. In some states, that means they aren’t required to be recycled (check your local regulations).

S.L.’s longer-life designs result in fewer lamps manufactured, fewer lamps thrown away, and fewer lamps recycled. Since manufacturing, disposal, and recycling all use energy and/or pollute the environment, Superior Lamp’s long life lamps by themselves are environmentally friendly. Our HEAVY DUTY™ line contains features that increase lamp life including:

● Triple Wound Double Tungsten Cathode – gives more surface area to the cathode which allows more emissive material, increasing the number of lamp starts possible, and thus bulb life.

● Cathode Guard – reduces tube end blackening, improving lumen maintenance and thus usable life.

● Silicone Coating - external lamp coating eases starting, especially in humid conditions. Easier starting results in longer lamp life.

● Color Stable Phosphors – precise mixes of Color Stable Phosphors resist breaking down over time, reducing color shift and maintaining brightness, which increases usable life.

● Precise Fill Gas – makes starting the lamp easier, thus increasing the life.

● Brass End Pins – better conductivity for easier starting, increases lamp life.

● Alumina Internal Coating – in conjunction with the mercury release capsule, this coating is used in our TCLP compliant low mercury lamps, makes the starting process gentler and blocks mercury absorption into the phosphors over time, increasing the life of the lamp. In addition to this benefit, the less mercury that is present in a lamp, the more environmentally friendly it is.

Superior Lamp leads the industry with environmentally friendly lamps.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Superior Sales Tip #3- Don't Play the Blame Game

Superior Sales Tip #3- Don't Play the Blame Game

Ever heard it before? Well I have heard it and I have said it. The problem is the “blame game” only produces failure. It probably started when we were kids with examples like the TV was on so I couldn’t do my homework or, I was late because my mom didn’t get me up on time. This carries over to the, “I was late for work because traffic was terrible”. The less you let blame enter into your daily life the greater your success will become.

Successful people develop ways to eliminate or reduce the possibilities for failure by planning ahead and when things go awry they take responsibility and refocus to reduce the possibility of the same occurrence from happening again. We all know everybody makes mistakes but a better way of handling them is to take ownership of these miscues and developing corrective action and get back on with business.

Taking responsibility for not only your actions but the actions of people you are involved with will lead to more success. The assigning of blame is a waste of time and seldom beneficial. Spending your most valuable asset, (time) on not letting failure happen, is a much more productive venture.

Good Selling

Tom Mosher
Executive Staff

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Superior Lamp Celebrates Community Awareness

Superior Lamp Celebrates Community Awareness
MOUNT LAUREL, NEW JERSEY April 14, 2010 Environmental Services News Print this News Release RSS
(PRLEAP.COM) Within every individual, there is a need to commune with one another, to become a part of a community. We all want to feel like we’re part of something bigger and celebrate life with those around us. In each community there is also a need; a need to accomplish things for the betterment of that community. Superior Lamp believes that individuals and communities working together can accomplish great things. We should all be more in tune with our communities and all of the issues that affect the community in which we live.

Think about your own community…your neighborhood where you live, the business where you shop or work, the schools and churches, firehouses and police departments, etc. Each person within your community is affected by every other person within that community. So it is safe to say that if one person starts to get more involved in a particular project or event, then soon, others will join in. As a project or event becomes more important to the individual, so it becomes more important to the community. Superior Lamp has a special interest in going green and by providing high quality, environmentally friendly, energy-saving, heavy duty lighting products to all types of commercial, industrial, municipal and institutional businesses, they have affected countless communities across the United States.

Community events are a great way to get to know the people who are affecting your life on a daily basis (whether you realize that it is happening or not) and share with them some of the issues or interests that you have within your community. There are many types of community events that you can stage or become a part of, such as fundraisers, carnivals or fairs, concerts, craft shows, blood drives, outreach programs, job fairs, and many more. As a nation-wide company, Superior Lamp invites you to visit their blog at and feel free to post any information about events in your own local community and help others become more involved along with you. Remember sharing in your local community will also affect our nation-wide community across our great nation and eventually the world!

For more information about Superior Lamp, please call 800-257-8353 or visit

Who Is Superior Lamp?

Superior Lamp Inc. Who are we? Check out our new video shot from the home office !!! Superior Lamp has a reputation that is unparalleled in the heavy duty industrial lighting field. Our company Markets only the highest quality lighting products and has been the standard of our industry since 1977. We carry all types of replacement Bulbs (Fluorescent Tubes, all sizes, incandescent, all types, including Floods, Decorative, Metal Halides, Mercury Vapors, High Pressure Sodiums and 50 year Ballasts). All our products are Heavy Duty Industrial and are rated to last 18 times longer than the standard household bulb. Our product line even includes those hard to get bulbs. As a National Company we are dedicated to serving the customer with our guaranteed and Energy Saving products. Superior Lamp is the fastest growing company in the field of heavy-duty industrial, commercial and municipal lighting. Our products feature advanced design, energy efficiency and environmental benefits. We are currently the #1 supplier in the industry and are growing rapidly. We sell direct to the end user, any business out there that uses lights are potential customers. So everyone is a potential customer.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Superior Lamp Inc. Product Tip- What Is Your Electric Rate?

Superior Lamp PRODUCT TIP


Your customers’ electric rates may not be what they think. The electric rate published on the bill is seldom the rate your customer is actually paying. There are many fees and taxes that can be added in, which increase your customers’ electric rate.

Some of the items that will change your electric rate are:

- Demand Rate
- Power Factor Correction
- Line Changes
- Service Fees

Electric rates are expressed as dollars or cents per kilowatt-hour, it is usually expressed as $.__/kwh. This is the rate most customers think about when you ask them how much they pay for electricity.

To determine your customers’ true electric rate, you calculate it by taking the Total Amount to be Paid and divide it by the Total Kilowatt-hours Used:

Total Amount to be Paid = True Electric Rate
Total Kilowatts Used

For example, if the Total bill is $100 and they used 1000kwh, the customer’s rate is $.10/kwh, but if the Total bill is $150 and they used 1000kwh, their rate is then $.15/kwh. So, chances are, their “published” electric rate is much less than their True Electric Rate.

So, if a customer tells you that energy savings isn’t important since their rate is only five or six cents, you may want to have them show you their bill and do the above calculation. They will often be very surprised at what they are actually paying!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Superior Lamp Inc., Heavy Duty L.E.D. Lamps save up to 85% energy, use cutting-edge hi-output LEDs. Superior lamp offers these LED lamps in the Vitalux Xtrabrite™ color. These lamps are whiter & brighter, instant-on, full brightness, compared to standard LED lamps. Our LED lamps are also mercury free, and have no UV output.

Superior Lamp Sales Motivation #2

Superior Lamp Sales Motivation #2


Hope is the seed that allows us to dream of better days ahead. First you have to create hope which is accomplished by opening your mind to new ideas. Remember, the world is flat. This was the truth or so many said, over and over until it became a fact to the masses and saying otherwise was tantamount to heresy. What if during this time period somebody proclaimed man will walk on the moon or Al Gore would create the internet? Just kidding. Just as these battles were being fought there were many disbelievers and people whom with their descent, forted efforts from moving forward. As with any idea man undertakes, there will always be detractors. This may be one of the hardest battles for you to overcome.

Taking hope and turning it into action is what will forge success. We all were born with abilities and talents that lay just under the surface and are ready to manifest themselves in many ways. The ability to lay brick is a learned craft. The ability to write music or pick up a guitar and play beautiful music is a learned discipline. People that focus on their hopes and discipline themselves to practice with the zeal to overcome more than just the material they have to master for their art will succeed. Also they must keep their detractors at arms length have the ability to take their hope and transform it into reality. Quality practice produces quality results.

We currently live in a world that has progressed to a point where focusing on your hopes and putting undivided attention to these efforts has become more and more of a challenge for all of us. What was once lauded as an ability, the art of multi–tasking has now become a hindrance. Watch a college student study for an exam. In addition to the material they are focusing on they are listening to music, “texting” and updating their FaceBook page. If Columbus or Mozart had these distractions we might still be going to beach in Europe and wandering or listening to Mozart rap music. If you are going to focus on your hopes and turn them into something of real value, find a place to study that is unencumbered with multitasking and hone your craft. It is going to take a strong commitment to create if you are going to succeed. While hope is the first step, focused action will make it come to be.

Tom Mosher
Superior Lamp Inc. Executive Staff

Monday, March 29, 2010

Superior Lamp Product Tip- Avoid "Hot Relamp"

, Superior Lamp Product Tip -AVOID “HOT RELAMP”

When your customers’ Superior Lamps are about to be installed, make sure the power is turned off to the fixture. This is done to avoid a “hot relamp.” Hot relamping tests have been shown to shorten, sometimes severely, the life of the lamp being installed in the socket.

A “hot relamp” is the term for changing a lamp when the power is still on at the socket. A hot relamp jolts the lamp’s filament when the base makes any positive electrical contact with the energized socket. When you screw in a lamp, you are wiggling the bulb around (which can flex the cold filament) and then a large surge of electricity jolts the filament while it is flexed. This moment of stress can reduce lamp life and cause a premature burnout. Cold relamping (relamping with the power off to the socket) is recommended for all types of screw-in and plug-in lamps. This should particularly be the case when changing Halogen lamps, since they use a more inflexible filament.

Hot relamps should also be avoided with fluorescent fixtures, as you can short out and damage the ballast and lamps. In addition, hot relamping places the installer at higher risk for electrocution, which is why hot relamping violates OSHA safety regulations.

To insure Superior Lamp customers get the best life and most satisfaction from our products, remind them not to hot relamp.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Mastering anything can be a challenge. Mastering the “Energy Crisis” is an enormous challenge and it will take a concentrated effort by the entire world population to overcome. The status quo is just not sustainable and we all need to work together to make a change. It will take a concerted effort by all to educate every world government and their populations to help them understand this.

Superior Lamp has created a Blog to engage not only those who are already interested in improving our planet, but the indifferent as well. It is Superior’s belief that unless we reach out to the whole population and do our best to explain all the benefits of moving forward, the effort will go unheeded.

Tom Mosher
Superior Lamp, Inc. Executive Staff

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Superior Lamp Inc. Sales Motivation #1


What do Albert Pujols, Mike Schmidt, Donald Trump and Warren Buffett all have in common? They all fail much more than they succeed. Albert and Mike fail two out of three times they have gone to the plate and one of them is already in the hall of fame as one of the greatest in his profession. The other one will be there. Mr. Trump and Mr. Buffett have made millions and maybe billions but have lost a whole lot of times. This group may be some of the biggest losers of all time.

Another thing that these “successful failures” have in common is the life learned ability to learn from their unsuccessful efforts and make adjustments so they don’t make the same mistake twice. I guarantee you that after an unsuccessful effort on their part they are better prepared next time to charge ahead with every intention of succeeding. They accomplish this with a plan that includes back to basics and preparing by studying the positive material that allowed them to succeed before.

These people will fail again and they are aware of that each and every day. But they also will succeed again because they know that failure is a big part of success. They all go to bat the next time up with the intention of getting on base and then scoring.

Do you fear failure? Or do you know it is required for success? When you don‘t succeed do you look inside and see what you could have done better? Do you go back to basics and adjust? Do you call your in–house manager, your coach to seek advice and direction? Failure is no more than a sign post telling you to adjust your direction and improve your course. Heed the sign, make the corrections and you will get right back in the game. Remember, if your last at bat or “door” was a “no”, go through the next door swinging, you are due for a “yes”.

Good Selling

Tom Mosher
Superior Lamp Inc. Executive Staff

Monday, March 22, 2010

Superior Lamp Product Tips-Metal Halides


Metal Halide lamps go through an initial color stabilization period—how long it takes after installing the lamp for the color to “settle in”. This is a property of all metal halide lamps, including Superior Lamps.

Metal Halide lamps are filled with different halide salts. These salts vaporize in the arc tube, and it is the final combination of the different salts that produces the characteristic white light.

When a new Superior Lamp metal halide is first operated, it can sometimes appear “off-color,” yellow or green. It can also sometimes appear to change color for a moment, and then change back. The reasons these events happen is because the different halide salts in the arc tube are not yet evenly distributed or fully vaporized, and are thus unable to create the bright white color that the metal halide is known for. Hence a “burn-in time” is necessary. Once a Superior Lamp metal halide has been operated for about one hundred hours, provided it is on a good ballast, it should stabilize and reach its desired color, the familiar brilliant white.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Superior is now on Twitter!

Follow Superior Lamp On Twitter

Superior Lamp Praises the Global "Green" Awareness of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver

January 20, 2010 - With the 2010 Winter Olympics imminent, Vancouver is making the Winter Games green. Superior Lamp is ecstatic to learn of the green initiatives taking place for the games because it will further expand global awareness of an issue they've been working to support since their inception in 1977. "We are doing what we can to be green and we're working to do what's best for the environment here in the U.S. by making sure that the products we market nationally are environmentally friendly and energy saving. But what we're doing is only one piece of the much larger global puzzle." says a spokesperson for Superior Lamp. With all of the environmental issues at hand, it is imperative that we all recognize the importance of going green.

Superior Lamp is the leading distributor of heavy duty, industrial, environmentally friendly and energy saving lighting products in the U.S. Superior carries a full line of fluorescents, incandescents, metal halides, spiral lamps, L.E.D.s and ballasts. They can solve any lighting problem that a business may have. Superior distributes lamps that can save up to 83% in energy, lamps that replicate natural sunlight and are 69% brighter than average, lamps that last 24 times life, lamps that are green on disposal, and that come with the best guarantees. Superior Lamp's customers are not the only ones that benefit from the green products, their sales people are also highly satisfied because they are selling green products.

Many businesses in the U.S. today are trying to go green, and if they haven't already they eventually will. It is only a matter of time before going green is not only something that we want to do because we should do it, but it is something that we have to do. Superior Lamp is ready to assist these businesses in making the transition and help them to do their part. Superior Lamp is hoping that with the 2010 Winter Olympics going green, the 'greened' games will inspire not only U.S. businesses to do their part for the environment, but also businesses around the world.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Superior Lamp Product Tip: Beware Residential Or Shoplight Grade Ballasts


When you are selling your customer your Superor Lamp fluorescent tubes, keep in mind that there are different quality ballasts out there for operating fluorescents. Grades of ballasts range from: our HEAVY DUTY™ 50-year ballasts (BEST), to standard short-life industrial/commercial-grade ballasts (OK), and residential- and shoplight-grade (POOR).

Shoplight and residential ballasts are really only designed to be operated for short periods of time, and inherently have a short life. While our fluorescent tubes will probably light on the shoplight or residential ballasts, these ballasts are severely underpowered and will operate at higher temperatures to drive a full-wattage, commercial-grade tube (40W or 34W). Operating full-wattage lamps off these poor ballasts will also result in reduced light output when compared to the same lamps driven off of industrial-grade ballasts. These days you will see these poor quality fixtures equipped with “shop-grade” or “utility” 4’ T12 lamps, which actually only draw 25 watts on these ballasts.

When you equip these cheap fixtures with 34W or 40W tubes, the ballast has to overwork to drive the lamps, resulting in much higher ballast temperatures. These higher temperatures break down the ballast windings and cause voltage and current supply problems to the lamps. The build-up of heat is also potentially dangerous and could possibly start a fire. Continuous operation of these fixtures (like in an office setting where the fixtures are left on all day) will prematurely burn out full wattage lamps.

Good indicators of failing or poor quality ballasts are if commercial-grade lamps are spiraling, flickering, starting poorly, low light output, end-darkening on one end, or burning out prematurely. Other indicators are if the ballast/fixture is making an excessive hum or vibration, or if it is unbearably hot to the touch. In any of these cases, the ballast is suspect and should probably be replaced.

When you run into these situations, explain to your customer what is happening. Emphasize with them that this is why you only sell Superior Lamp Premium Products like our HEAVY DUTY™ fluorescents and HEAVY DUTY™ electronic ballasts!

Superior Lamp Inc has Extended Guarantees from 60 to 84 Months on Freshwite Xtrabrite Fluorescents

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Over 30,000 companies use PR LEAP Learn More Superior Lamp Inc has Extended Guarantees from 60 to 84 Months on Freshwite Xtrabrite Fluorescents
MOUNT LAUREL, NEW JERSEY March 17, 2009 Business News Print this News Release RSS
(PRLEAP.COM) Superior Lamp Inc. has recently extended their product guarantee on their Freshwite Xtrabrite Fluorescents from sixty months to a generous 84 months. Superior Lamp stands by the performance of their environmentally friendly and efficient light bulbs so much that they are confident the extension will aid in building consumer confidence. Superior Lamp continues to offer products that are guaranteed to reduce energy costs for businesses.

The Freshwite Xtrabrite Fluorescents are heavy duty and designed and engineered to be used 12+ hours per day. All of Superior Lamp’s products are perfect for a wide variety of commercial and industrial uses. These bulbs can help a business save time, money, energy and peace of mind knowing they are doing something positive for the environment. Superior Lamp’s xtrabrite light bulbs maintain 95% of their brightness throughout the life span of the bulb where a standard bulb starts to lose its strength very quickly. A standard bulb produced about 40% of its initial power towards the end of its life cycle.

Superior Lamp is an industry leader in energy efficient heavy duty industrial lighting. They have been providing businesses lighting solutions since 1977 and offer a superior product that will help a business reduce energy costs almost immediately. Superior Lamp has spent over thirty years fine tuning their product line in order to offer a product that is untouchable in the industry. Energy efficient, "green" lighting is an area that more companies are starting to invest and focus on. Cutting costs is on the mind of many businesses even if that cost includes energy. If you are a business that owns a great deal of warehouse space that has the electric running for most of the day energy efficient lighting will help tremendously with cutting costs. Superior Lamps recent guarantee extension marks their belief in their product and shows that they stand by the performance of their energy efficient light bulbs. Over the many years Superior Lamp has been in business they have offered industry revolutionizing lighting products and will continue to do so for some time.

For more information regarding any of Superior Lamp’s energy efficient lighting products please call 800-257-8353 or visit the following places online:

Tom Mosher

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Superior Lamp Announces New Heavy Duty L.E.D. Lamps

Mount Laurel, NJ (PRWEB) September 8, 2009 -- Superior Lamp Inc. has recently announced a new energy efficient lighting product being added to their already impressive array of energy efficient industrial lighting solutions. Superior Lamp Inc. is the leader in environmentally friendly, heavy duty industrial lighting. To learn more about the various products that Superior Lamp offers please visit

It is no surprise that the global environment has become a hot topic issue across the world. We have noticed first hand a rise in everything from natural disasters to global warming and these occurrences have prompted businesses large and small to play their part in preserving the planet, even if it is only one light bulb at a time. Superior Lamp has taken a very aggressive stance and approach on providing all types of clientele, from industrial businesses to municipalities, with highly energy efficient lighting solutions in order to help reduce energy costs. These new L. E. D.'s which have been added to their product line up are no exception. These new bulbs have up to 94% energy savings by reducing the amount of energy required to light the bulbs. Cost reduction is something that is on the mind of every business owner today.

Each bulb is also made to withstand the daily abuse an industrial business presents. Made from heavy duty construction these new L. E. D.'s are able to withstand many business elements and settings. These bulbs are classified as high output bulbs so lighting large spaces will never be a problem. Industrial environments often times find themselves paying a premium in energy costs to keep facilities, offices and warehouses properly lit. Superior Lamp Inc. offers many different solutions to counteract that problem the right way while helping preserve the earth by promoting the reduction of energy consumption. These new bulbs have been built and designed for a rugged type of use. These new L. E. D.'s are also guaranteed for 10 years of life so they reduce labor costs as well. Superior Lamp also features an L.E.D. exit sign retro fit that is guaranteed to last for 30 years. Superior Lamp is very confident in all the products that they market. This is an industry that is only going to grow and as it does Superior Lamp will be positioned as the leader. Superior Lamp stands by the performance of all the products that they market and has complete industry confidence. These new L. E. D. 's are just another sign of their commitment to the excellence of their products as well as their willingness and commitment to preserving the natural environment of our Earth.

For more information on Superior Lamp or their energy efficient industrial lighting solutions please visit


Superior Lamp Now Offers Low Mercury Fluorescent Lighting

MOUNT LAUREL, NJ, March 10, 2010 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Superior Lamp Inc. now offers the lowest level of mercury possible for industrial fluorescent lighting solutions; lower than anyone else in the industry. Their new ENVIRO-SAFE F328T light bulb is one of Superior's newest products and offers a very safe and environmentally friendly level of mercury in order to help preserve the earth and be as "Green" as possible. For more information please visit

Superior Lamp Inc. has significantly increased their awareness on the after effects that recycling mercury has on the earth. The hazards associated with managing fluorescent bulbs after their life span can really have a negative impact on our earth and Superior Lamp has been playing their part to help put a dent into that waste bi-product. There are billions of office and municipal buildings across the globe that use and replace fluorescent lighting every single day and if nobody paid any attention to the dangerous mercury levels, our planet would really feel the negative effects over time. Superior Lamp has been the leader in heavy duty commercial, industrial, municipal and institutional environmentally friendly lighting solutions for many years now and they confidently stand by their product line. Due to the mercury release capsules, Superior Lamp's bulbs contain the lowest levels of mercury in the industry making them one of the safest to use for all types of applications. Superior Lamp has been offering energy efficient lighting solutions for over thirty years and they continue to be a strong leader in their industry. They have also gained much recognition for their outstanding ambition to provide the most energy efficient lighting solutions in the United States.

The average range of acceptable levels of mercury per tube is about 12-15mg for a 4' bi-pin fluorescent bulb. Superior Lamp's new ENVIRO-SAFE lamps contain less than 4.4mg's and some models even have less than 3.8mg's. All their low mercury lighting solutions are TCLP-compliant, meaning that they completely pass all of the Federal Government's tests for toxic chemical leaching in landfills. According to all Federal guidelines, the ENVIRO-SAFE lamps can be safely disposed of in landfills but people are also encouraged to check their local regulations.

For more information on Superior Lamp please visit or call 800-257-8353

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Superior Lighting Tip #1- Short Life Lamps are Ripping You Off!

Rip Off lamps can cost way too much money! Businesses are throwing away their money buying "short life" bulbs.

MOUNT LAUREL, NJ, February 25, 2010 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Rip Off lamps can cost way too much money! Businesses are throwing away their money buying "short life" bulbs. Superior Lamp announces a campaign to inform the commercial and industrial lighting customer that "short life" or inferior lighting products are a bad investment. There are some people out there that would even say that selling a "short life" lighting product to a business is a scam. It's no wonder that businesses have so many complaints when it comes to their poor lighting quality or longevity; that's because many businesses are using the wrong products and buying "short life" bulbs to save a buck or two "right now". However, there are not many products where the old adage "you get what you pay for" applies more than in your investment in the lighting products you buy for your business. Many business owners have trouble getting beyond the look of more efficient lighting and they don't clearly understand that by investing a little more up front, they will pay less in the long run. For more information please visit

While most product manufacturers, in general, have moved beyond being of the "Throw Away" or "Obsolescent Built-in" nature, standard lighting manufacturing has been slow to follow. Superior Lamp is a firm believer in making sure their products are "Built to Last" and are designed with businesses in mind. Superior Lamp backs up their outstanding quality and performance by offering the best product guarantees of up to 84 months on their heavy duty fluorescent tubes.

Additionally, by investing in Superior Lamp's Enviro-Safe products, a business can also contribute to lowering their "carbon footprint" in addition to the longevity guarantees that they can expect.


• Heavy Duty products built to withstand Commercial and Industrial applications
• Fluorescent bulbs feature a cathode shield to prevent blackening of the ends and increase brightness
• No flickering fluorescents!
• Heavy Duty Fluorescents offer an unprecedented 84-month guarantee.
• Enviro-Safe bulbs are TCLP compliant and meet Federal regulations for mercury leaching in landfills
• Enviro-Safe bulbs save energy and natural resources
• Superior Lamp offers a wide selection of bulbs that replicate natural sunlight which reduces eye-strain and glare and also provides additional health benefits to combat conditions like Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

For more information on Superior Lamp please visit or call 800-257-8353.

Superior Lamp Inc. Product Line Video

Our HEAVY DUTY Quality Products
We have a reputation that is unparalleled in the Heavy Duty industrial lighting field. Our company markets only the highest quality lighting products and has been the standard of our industry since 1977. We carry all types of replacement bulbs. (Fluorescent Tubes, all sizes, Incandescents, all types, including Floods, Decoratives, Metal Halides, Mercury Vapors, High Pressure Sodiums and 30 year Ballasts). All our products are Heavy Duty industrial and are rated to last 18 times longer than the standard household bulb. Our product line includes even those hard to get bulbs. As a National Company we are dedicated to serving our customers with our guaranteed and Energy Saving products.

Industrial - For those areas that are difficult to reach, excessive vibration or need for additional light output. Check out our full line of Superior Lamp Heavy Duty industrial products.

Monday, March 8, 2010

New Superior Lamp Product Video

Superior Lamp promo video displaying their environmentally friendly industrial lighting solutions. To learn more about Superior Lamp products please visit