“I don’t even know what I will be doing next weekend, much less, for the rest of my life!” was my child’s answer to my question. Kids are so ‘to the point’. When you start to think about it, they have such an unencumbered outlook on daily situations and events that all of us adults bring to each encounter, more or less, as baggage. Our views are weighted by our own past experiences and memorable events in history, that we often pre-judge situations and make blanket decisions based on our life-tutored experiences.
There is a lot to say about learning from the past, but it should not be our only point of reference. If that were the case, then the woman who invented the wheel should have just kept pushing the big boulder through the hot sand and left well enough alone. “Wilbur, don’t go to the beach with that damned stupid winged contraption! I need you to stay here and fix these bicycles!” You go, Wilbur…you ‘da’ man.
The fresh ideas and enthusiasm that are often expressed by youth should not be discounted and likewise, when someone tells you, the salesman, “no,” if you give up convincing them that your idea is worthy, then you do not believe in what you are doing and you are destined for failure. The confidence and tenacity or enthusiasm you profess because you know that your products will best serve your accounts, is the reason why you will endure and become successful. The test that your account is giving you is to see if you really do believe in what you are offering.
The “No” or the “Stop” is something that every successful person has had thrown in their face. The “winners”, or the successful, have all had to overcome negative experiences and those experiences are what allow some to become leaders while others keep pushing the stone through the sand.
After having this same meaningful discussion with my son, I know that I succeeded because he told me he now knew what he was going to do this weekend; he was going to the beach. (Like all parents, I am unable to get my well thought out points across all the time.)
In closing, I would like to say that if you know what you are doing for the rest of your life and that it is sales, then be a winner and don’t take “no” for an answer when all your accounts really want is for you to be persistent and close with confidence and conviction .
Good Selling
Tom Mosher
Executive staff
Monday, September 20, 2010
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