Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Superior Lamp President Ken Hennig “Dare To Dream”

Let your mind go. Dream of goals that heretofore were impossible! Dream of material, family and spiritual wealth! Dream of experiences you could never before afford! Dream of financial security! Dream of being someone special Dream big dreams and make them your goals. Commit to them and picture yourself achieving them through visualization and dreaming.

You have before you an opportunity of a magnitude few others have. You can be one of those special few who take this opportunity and use it as a stairway to success. We at Superior Lamp can lay out the oportunity and shout about it from the rooftops. However, the ultimate value to you will be determined by you. You must dream your dreams and commit to them. YOU must make them happen.

At Supeior Lamp you have a chance to fulfill your dreams and those of your family. IF YOU DARE! DARE TO DREAM! DARE TO ACHIEVE THOSE DREAMS! DARE TO SEPARATE YOURSELF FROM THE CROWD! DARE TO BE SOMEONE SPECIAL!

Ken Hennig
President Superior Lamp

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