Thursday, March 31, 2011

Superior Lamp President Ken Hennig "Canary In The Mine"

Years ago before technology, people had to improvise. In deep mines, there was always the hazard of dying from odorless poison gas in the air. After losing a few miners, someone came up with the idea of using a canary in a cage to detect the presence of poisonous gas. If when you showed up for work and found a dead canary it was a good indication that the fresh air supply needed to be fixed or you better leave.

A 6-pack of fluorescent on your order blank could be a canary for a lighting salesperson. It could indicate a couple of selling problems. First, it may indicate you are selling too small accounts. If a customer only uses 6 lamps then is it really worth your time? It's impossible to build a large file box of repeatable accounts that only can buy 6 lamps every 5 years. Second, it may indicate you close needs a tune up. You may be starting too low in your negotiating. Starting at 48 rather than 24 gives you much great opportunity to close at a higher number. You may be cutting too much in your close. If you start at 24, cut to 12 then to 6 you're done. How much better to start at 48 and cut by 6 on each close?

Another problem this 6 pack "canary" may be indicating is "order size-itus" also known as large orders some sales people (actually most) sell 6 packs because they are comfortable with it. I'ts easy, and one doesn't have to develop a strong close.

The benefits to solving this problem can have a major impact. Here are some of the potential benefits of eliminating 6 pack orders.

- Double commissions or ore on your orders. Not only will you move from 6 to 12 to 18 pack fluorescents, you'll also increase the quantity of other lamps yourself.
- You'll build an account base filled with large repeatable accounts.
-When you repeat a customer, they'll be "trained" to buy larger orders. (why train them to buy 6 packs?)

Check your orders for dead canary's (6 packs) and if you find one ask yourself why? was it necessary... or did you leave money on the table? Why not sell 12, 24, 30, or 36 packs? You've already done 99% of the work in selling the customer. Why not strengthen your close a bit and boost your income alot!

Ken Hennig
President Superior Lamp

Friday, March 25, 2011

Superior Lamp President Ken Hennig "Recession= Opportunity"

Superior Lamp's biggest growth years have always coincided with "recessionary" economic times. So... while the evening news talks doom and gloom we have reason to be optimistic.
Regardless of economic conditions people still need to turn their lights on every morning. And, because MUST use their lighting, the only way they can cut costs is to go to more efficient, longer lasting lighting.
During recessions businesses trim back on labor leaving fewer people to change light bulbs. During recessions, paying the power bill becomes more difficult causing customers to be more interested in energy saving fluorescents and more. During recessions prospects are willing to take time to sit down and listen to ways to save money.
The only way we can experience a recession in the lighting business is to buy into it. For lighting salespeople recessions are optional activities, you only need to participate if you want to!
At Superior Lamp we have the perfect product line to cut customer's operating expenses, especially their labor demands. We can do all this AND provide them with more seeable light thus improving worker conditions. We truly are in a depression/ recession proof business. At Superior Lamp recessions result in increased opportunity for sales.
So.. ignore the news because it doesn't apply to us. We're too busy selling Heavy Duty lighting as a result.. and making more money!

Ken Hennig
President Superior Lamp

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Superior Lamp President Ken Hennig "The Power Of Superior Lamp Sales Presentation"

One of our young salespeople recently worked with one of our top sales people in the field. The young salesperson expressed surprise that one of our top sales people actually used the Superior Lamp sales presentation! He thought that in order to be a Top Producer one must use some "special" presentation that is different than that used by new salespeople.

There are actually 3 ways most salespeople approach selling lighting.

1.Those who use Superior's presentation.

2.Those who have created their own (part Superior, part from other reps, part from a customer's past objection, part from an old job, part because they think it sounds good.)

3.Those who wing it. They never give the same presentation twice, they improvise.

There are certainly a lot of ways to sell light bulbs. However, if you want a presentation that will generate $100,000+ earnings it will have to meet the following criteria:

1. It must be SIMPLE. If it's complex it becomes too difficult to remember in front of customers.

2. It must be PROVEN. If it's not used by Top Salespeople... there's probably a reason. It takes years to develop a new powerful presentation.

3. It must provide a TRACK TO RUN ON. Customers frequently get you off track. They shift your focus. They confuse you. With a TRACK you know right where to get back on your presentation.

4. It insures you MAKE YOUR POINTS. Even if you have to answer your customer's questions or add some small talk a good presentation insures that your points are made.

5. It LEADS YOU TO THE CLOSE. A good presentation always points you towards the close and sets your customer up to be closed.

6. It SETS THE CUSTOMER UP FOR REPEAT BUSINESS The demo, the incandescent and fluorescent presentation and the flashlight set the customer up for a future phone repeat sale.

Superior Lamp has the most powerful and the most profitable selling system in the lighting industry. No one has a better documented presentation. No one has made it as easy to learn. No one has the network of trainers and managers who can help you learn and use this system.

The Superior Lamp sales system, when used diligently, will generate hundreds of new accounts and will all but guarantee $100,000+ incomes. All anyone needs to do is learn it and use it! Don't waste your time trying to reinvent the wheel. Don't try to improve on a presentation that was developed by and used by the best. Instead, commit to using the Superior Lamp presentation with as many prospects as possible each and every day.

If a $100,000+ income seems out of reach, I challenge you to learn the Superior Lamp sales system. If a $100,000+ income still seems out of reach, I challenge you to use it diligently, day in and day out. Learn it and use it and you'll join me in singing the praises of this fantastic money making sales system.

Ken Hennig
President Superior Lamp

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Superior Lamp, Inc.: "There's More to March Than Just the Madness"

March 23, 2011 - MOUNT LAUREL NJ -- Spring is in the air. It's March, which means that all eyes are on college basketball. It's an American tradition to be glued to the television to root for a favorite team and pay close attention to your bracket. However, Superior Lamp, Inc. believes that there is more to March than the NCAA tournament. The weather is getting nicer. While it may be tempting to stay in and watch basketball, it's time for people to get outside and enjoy the weather and maybe even play some basketball themselves.

The college basketball tournament is impressive, and every year it seems to become more and more of a spectacle. If Americans spent even half as much time as they do watching the tournament or put half as much effort as these talented college basketball players put into their craft working towards improving and protecting our environment our country wouldn't be approaching an environmental crisis.

Our natural resources are bound to run out eventually. That is why it is so extremely important for American citizens to do their part. Superior Lamp, Inc. recognizes this need to take care of our country and has been designing their products to be environmentally friendly since the company was established in 1977. Spring is a great time for any individual or company to reassess their energy needs and make steps towards becoming more energy efficient. If everybody just made a small change or two, the results would be astonishing. As the grass and the trees become green again this spring, Superior Lamp, Inc. believes that its time for Americans to get "green" as well.

Superior Lamp was established in 1977 and is the number one supplier of HEAVY DUTY™ industrial lighting in the USA thanks to their HEAVY DUTY™ components and Enviro-Safe® design. Superior Lamp, Inc.'s products are designed to be environmentally friendly and last a very long time to cut down on maintenance costs. All products feature advanced technologies, energy efficiency, environmentally friendly components, and are designed and manufactured for both commercial and industrial use. Superior Lamp Inc.'s corporate goal is to lead the way in "green" lighting products and the company strives to make all of its products Enviro-Safe®.
Superior Lamp, Inc. offers many high quality HEAVY DUTY™ lighting products to suit a variety of lighting needs including fluorescent lamps, compact fluorescent lamps, high intensity discharge lamps, tungsten halogen lamps, L.E.D. lamps, incandescent lamps, and electronic ballasts. Superior Lamp, Inc. offers replacement bulbs that are rated to last 18 times longer than the standard household bulb. The product line includes bulbs that are hard to find and Superior Lamp, Inc. is dedicated to serving its customers with their guaranteed and energy saving products.

For more information about Superior Lamp, Inc., please feel free to visitor their website at: or follow them on Twitter at For information on careers at Superior Lamp, Inc. and to download the training booklet please visit:

Superior Lamp President Ken Hennig "Peddlers Vs. Salespeople"

How can you tell the difference between a light bulb peddler (ie. Competitor) and a professional Superior Lamp salesperson (Pro)?
- A Pro never installs product. It's an "expensive" time killer as it wasters "sales and service time"
- A Pro sells at the Top. He/she know who they are... and what they're worth... and the never compromise what they're worth!!
- A Pro sells ONLY THE BEST. He/she views their product quality as synonymous with their personal quality. They want only the best products to represent them.
- A Pro directs their sales energy towards selling their top product (Freshwite). Consequently they become extraordinarily good at selling this product...and make an extraordinary amount of money on this product!
- A Pro uses the rest of the product line get all of the customers additional business which prevents the customer from forming a relationship with a competitor.
- A Pro reluctantly sell NIC product (also known as special order items.) He/she explains that we can get these products as and accommodation but they won't ship immediately as WE DON"T STOCK COMPETITORS SHORT LIFE PRODUCTS. A Prod is careful so he/she is judged only on Superior Lamp quality products and services, not on an NIC.
- A Pro CREATES sales with salesmanship. A peddler searches for sales...begs, discounts, drops quality and installs to make a dollar.

These are the ways of Professional Lighting sales person. The ways of a peddler look easier and are sometimes tempting, but always lead to lower income. At Superior Lamp, all of our sales methods are designed to create highly paid PROFESSIONALS. And it's because Superior Lamp sales people are professionals that our people are the highest earners in the lighting industry.

Be proud of the fact that you're a Superior Lamp salesperson. Show it in the way you work, show it in the way you dress and it will show up in your bank account every Friday. Congratulations on being a Superior Lamp PRO!

Ken Hennig
Superior Lamp

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What Makes Superior Lamp, Superior To Other Lighting Products?

Superior Lamp’s products have to pass certain criteria in order to be called ENVIRO-SAFE®. It must save energy, save natural resources, or have low mercury (TCLP or RoHS compliant). By changing one incandescent bulb to a compact fluorescent (CFL) bulb, it will save up to 83% on electricity. That energy savings in turn reduces CO2 emissions from coal fired electric power plants.

Our product line even includes those hard to get bulbs. As a National Company we are dedicated to serving the customer with our guaranteed and Energy Saving products. Superior Lamp is the fastest growing company in the field of heavy-duty industrial, commercial and municipal lighting. Our products feature advanced design, energy efficiency and environmental benefits. We are currently the #1 supplier in the industry and are growing rapidly. We sell direct to the end user, any business out there that uses lights are potential customers. So everyone is a potential customer.

Ken Hennig

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Superior Lamp, Inc.: A Discussion on the Cost of Freedom

MOUNT LAUREL NJ -- America certainly has its fair share of problems. The economy has been slow to improve and many people are still finding it difficult to find a job. A lot of our brothers and sisters are having a hard time preparing for what is up ahead. The housing market is going to take time to recover. Our military is coping with wars and conflicts around the world and our troops are being expended at a horrific rate. We have our hands and minds full at this juncture.

Superior Lamp, Inc. understands the hardships that Americans are facing and have taken steps necessary to ensure that their products are designed to cut down on maintenance costs. Superior Lamp, Inc. products last a long time and save consumers money on electric bills. Every little bit helps in today's economy.

Though we are struggling, we have what many others don't: freedom. We have to remember how we started this nation and be ever aware of the sacrifices that our original leaders and citizens endured to make this possible. Freedom is not cheap. There is a financial cost to maintaining democracy and the individual hardships endured over and over again to make our nation great are not forgotten.

Superior Lamp, Inc. believes that we have a responsibility to take care of our country and preserve its environment. For that reason, Superior Lamp, Inc. designs their products to be environmentally friendly. Since the company was established in 1977, they have strived to make all of their products Enviro-Safe®.

We have had to start over many times and rebuild our country. The demands that are required by our citizens have always been huge. Do we have the will to do what it takes to reach down inside ourselves again and make the sacrifices needed to rise again to the world leader that we once were?

We will not be able to remain a true world leader if our skills are outdated. The commitment to learning has always propelled us to a higher level. Our workforce is demanding new skills and brighter minds. Do we all have the desire to make the sacrifices necessary to meet the upcoming challenges? That is the question that we need to ask ourselves. Unless we dedicate ourselves to renewing our efforts and upgrading our skills we will not be able to coexist with the rest of the ever changing world.

Are you ready to meet the future? Superior Lamp, Inc. asks fellow Americans, are your current skills sufficient to allow you to succeed in today's ever changing world?

Superior invites you to visit their Blog at for more information on Superior Lamp, Inc. and its products and efforts to keep the environment Green.

For more information about Superior Lamp, please feel free to visitor their website at: or follow them on Facebook at