Monday, July 25, 2011

Superior Lamp President Ken Hennig “Focus”

The famous Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli stated “The Secret Of Success is constancy of purpose.” By keeping our thoughts and actions focused on our goals we will achieve them.

Likewise, it could be said that dilution of focus is the greatest cause of failure. Trying to juggle too many balls, trying to be all things to all people, trying to do too many non-business activities during the work day all have the same result on our success…they kill it.

Water dropping on a granite slab will eventually cut a hole through it. That dripping water has one “constant purpose.” We can be like that dripping water by giving our presentation as often as we can each and every day with no distractions, no excuses and no mini 15 minute vacations every hour. We can maintain our “constancy of purpose” by giving our best presentation possible to as many prospects as we can each day.

Focus you mental and physical energy on being successful in your career with Superior Lamp. When you give 100%, you have constancy of purpose that will insure that you achieve the MAXIMUM SUCCESS possible for you. Your level of success will surprise you for it will exceed whatever you previously though possible.

Ken Hennig

President Superior Lamp

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