Monday, May 23, 2011

Superior Lamp President Ken Hennig “Practice”

Professional football players practice for days before each game.

Professional basketball players practice before every game.

Professional baseball players practice at spring training and before every game.

Professional hockey players practice before every game.

Professional golfers practice days before every tournament.

Every professional athlete, musician, or actor practices before their performance..

Professional salespeople practice??

Good question… when should professional salespeople practice… and how much should they practice? One thing for sue is that practice improves all performance.. no matter how good they are. The professional salesperson that doesn't practice before giving their presentation is, in fact, practicing in front of their customers. As a result performance will be below what they’re capable of, costing them income.

Who really needs to practice? My answer to that question is “anyone who wants to be a true PROFESSIONAL.”

When should a professional salesperson practice? Here is a list of possible times:

1. Mornings- before your day starts practice the pitch and some answers to objections.

2. Between calls- practice on a needed area.

3. Before a presentation- practice on a needed area.

4. Over lunch hour- Practice pitches on other products.

5. Evenings- Practice less used answers to objections.

6. Weekends- Practice new promo descriptions.

7. Role play over the phone with your manager and cover problem areas.

What should a professional salesperson practice? – “Only what they want to be good at.”

How much should a professional salesperson practice? Answer, “How good do you want to be?” OR “How much money do you want to make?”

I believe Professional and Practice go together. I don’t believe it’s possible to claim to be a professional in any endeavor without constant effective practice. That’s what separates the winners from the wannabe’s. That’s what separates the big buck$ from the rest.

We, in the sales profession, can learn a lot from the sports greats. Their talent, ability and achievements are too often attributed to luck… they were born with it. In fact, the biggest reason for their success is their dedication to hard work AND PRACTICE. We, too, can apply these same tried and proven techniques to make us the best we can be thus maximize our income in the process.

Ken Hennig
President Superior Lamp

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