Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Superior Sales Tip #3- Don't Play the Blame Game

Superior Sales Tip #3- Don't Play the Blame Game

Ever heard it before? Well I have heard it and I have said it. The problem is the “blame game” only produces failure. It probably started when we were kids with examples like the TV was on so I couldn’t do my homework or, I was late because my mom didn’t get me up on time. This carries over to the, “I was late for work because traffic was terrible”. The less you let blame enter into your daily life the greater your success will become.

Successful people develop ways to eliminate or reduce the possibilities for failure by planning ahead and when things go awry they take responsibility and refocus to reduce the possibility of the same occurrence from happening again. We all know everybody makes mistakes but a better way of handling them is to take ownership of these miscues and developing corrective action and get back on with business.

Taking responsibility for not only your actions but the actions of people you are involved with will lead to more success. The assigning of blame is a waste of time and seldom beneficial. Spending your most valuable asset, (time) on not letting failure happen, is a much more productive venture.

Good Selling

Tom Mosher
Executive Staff

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