Maybe your income is not a reflection of your work ethic but instead a reflection of WHAT you work on? Maybe you just spend too much time on non-profit activities. Answer the following questions to find out:
1. I’m busy all day long? Yes or No
2. During work hours I frequently do non-profit activities? Yes or No
3. During work hours I frequently gravitate towards work “I like” most rather than work that will make me the most money? Yes or No
If you answered “Yes” to all three of these questions then laziness is not your problem. You’re busy. You work hard. Your problem is PRIORITIZATION. You’re using up your day (and your income) working on activities that have no profit potential. This can all be solved with one simple solution. Throughout the workday ASK YOURSELF: “Is what I’m doing now the most profitable thing I could be doing with my time?”
If your answer is “No” then change your activity immediately so you can get back to making money. Bill Gates is worth in excess of 50,000,000. It’s not because he works that much harder than everyone else. .. It’s because he works smarter. He, obviously did not spend time doing non- profitable activities. By focusing his energy in the most profitable areas he’s become the richest man in the world.
Can we join Bill Gates in the billionaire category? Probably not, but we can use this same technique to give our income a giant boost… without working any harder… just by changing what we work on.
Ken Hennig
President Superior Lamp
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