We are in the "burnout" replacement lamp business. Every time a lamp burns out in the United States we have an opportunity to upgrade them to a brighter, whiter, longer life, more efficient and more environmentally friendly lamp. We concentrate on the replacement lamp business because it is constant and not dependent upon the economic swings and the constructions booms and busts that go with them. The replacement lamp business is constant, year in and year out.
The new construction business is dominated by the "bidding process" which insure that the cheapest, low quality products will always be installed. On top of that, new construction is cyclical as we are using now with the downturn in construction. Those short life distributors, who make their living bidding new construction, are having a difficult time generating sales these days. Meanwhile, the products they installed in previous years are burning out right on schedule, at a constant pace, thus creating our vast and steady replacement market.
There are billions of lamps in the United States and everyday there are millions that burn out needing replacement...with better quality lamps. I view these as "our" sockets that need to be filled with "our" light bulbs. Even if our Superior Heavy Duty Lamps never burned out we would still have an endless opportunity to replace "burnouts" as they are installing millions of new "short life" coolwhites at every construction site across America. This truly is an unlimited opportunity which can only be constrained by limits we set on ourselves.
There is no other business quite like the "burnout" replacement business. The bidding process insure that low quality lamps Will always be installed in new construction. Designers love earth tone colors so warm tone "scotopically deficient" lamps will always be installed. Our business, our future is secure for these reasons. All we need to do is to make sure we take full advantage of this opportunity. Those burned out lamp sockets in your area are ours and you need to fill them with Superior Heavy Duty Lamps...and your checking account with commissions.
Ken Hennig
President Superior Lamp
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