Most would say that attitude must come before action. The common belief is that you must first develop a positive attitude before you want to swing into action…or go to work.
My contention is that most often action proceeds attitude. In my observation of very successful people, I have noticed that their attitudes are not as consistent as many think. They do have their ups and downs – only their downs are a bit shorter.
While their attitudes rise and fall, their action level or work level remains very constant. Whether their attitudes are up or down they continue to work. They appear to use “action” to turn around their attitudes. While many people use a down attitude as an excuse not to work, the successful use action as a device to turn their attitude around.
Maintaining a positive attitude is a difficult skill to develop and requires constant thought control. Negative thoughts must constantly be purged from one’s mind while positive thought must be cultivated.
On the other hand, the habits of ACTION/WORK needs little continuous thought. As a matter of fact, work is a simple thought that can be held by anyone regardless of intellect or training. One can WORK towards a goal with a positive or negative attitude although it is easier with a positive one.
Still skeptical of this concept? Then consider two people…both negative. One chooses to use mental techniques to turn around his attitude. The other merely goes into ACTION and works HARD. Which one will acquire a positive attitude quicker? The worker of course! As soon as he went to work his adrenalin rose, he could see progress towards his goal and lo and behold, he saw the progress he was making towards his goals and became more positive…then he worked even harder and then became more positive, etc., etc.
Note that the power of action is clearly pointed out in Superior Lamp’s ACTION formula. Of the 3 components of a High Performance person, only ACTION has the double effect of producing both SUCCESS AND POSITIVE ATTITUDE.
Ken Hennig
President Superior Lamp
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