We spend a lot of time as salespeople trying to learn to think more like professional successful salespeople. Today I want to suggest a switch. Let’s put on a buyer’s hat and try to learn how they think. It can provide us valuable insight into understanding what we as salespeople must do to sell buyers.
The advice I would give to a buyer based on my years of experience as a buyer dealing with all types of salespeople who called on me. As a buyer there was no way I could be an expert on all of the types of product I was responsible for purchasing. Consequently, I had to develope techniques to find out what the salesperson really thought about this product and his prices…as he was the expert. I merely had to find out what he already knew about his product, prices, and service! Of course, I couldn’t just ask them directly because he’s been traing to give me the company line. I wanted to know what he really believed, what he knew.
Understanding how buyers think will help you understand what their needs are. Following their lead will help you become a more successful salesperson.
1. VISIT WITH THE SALES REPRESENTATIVE- You want to establish long term relationships with your suppliers. The most important element of this relationship is your contact, their sales representative. Visit with them and find out if you are compatible. Do they understand you and will they listen to you about YOUR NEEDS andYOUR PROBLEMS in the future. Get them relaxed as they’ll then drop their guard and they may tell you things they normally wouldn’t. You can learn a lot about the person during this vist that will help you late evaluate the company, their product, and service.
2. WHO IS XYZ COMPANY?- Frequently, you’ve never even heard of the sales person’s company. Ask her who they are what they stand for. If the salesperson is proud of their company and excited about the future, then most likely it’s a solid company with a good product and fair prices. It’s a safe bet that the company and the salesperson will be around for a long time in the future to provide yu excellent products and services.
3. TWO PRODUCT QUESTIONS- No matter what the product is, there are always at least two or three facts you know about it. Ask at least two questions where you know the answers to test the sales representative. If he doesn’t know and lies to you, then dismiss him. If he’ll lie on one point where you KNOW the answer, what will he do on the 98% of the product where you know nothing? However, if he doesn’t know and honestly admits it and offers to get the answer, this tells you he’s at least honest. If he has the right answer, great! REMEMBER, you must rely on this sales representative for product knowledge as you don’t have the time to be an expert in every area. It is imperative that you determine that your sales representative is HONEST and KNOWLEDGABLE. PS- Beware of the sales representative that wants to tell you everything he knows. You don’t have time. He doesn’t understand that his job is to help you, not to teach you every detail about this products.
4. COMPETITION- Ask the sales reprsentative to tell you the faults of his competitors. If he’s quick to run them down, BEWARE, NOBODY’S THAT BAD. Now he’s lying and he’s failed the honesty test. As sales representative that wants to talk about the competitor’s weaknesses is probably trying to divert you attention away from those weaknesses of his own company, which are most likely numerous. You want to buy from someone who will sell her products based on his company’s and his product’s merits. After all, she’s the one you’ll be dealing with in the future.
5. COST- ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS ASK, “WHY IS YOUR PRODUCT SO EXPENSIVE?” or “WHY IS IT SO CHEAP?” You must pin the representative down. Remember, if he can’t justify his price, high or low, then how on earth can you justify buying it? Your goal as a buyer is NOT price but VALUE. You must be sure get VALUE for the price you are paying. Another important reason for these questions is what I call the “FLINCH ASPECT”. Hit him hard on price and if he flinches then you know there’s a problem here because the sales rep himself is not confident in the pricing. If he isn’t neither should you be!
6. BREVITY- As a buyer you time is valuable. Don’t waste time dealing with sales representatives who don’t take their cue from you. They should tailor their presentation lenght to subtle signals you give. If she doen’t take her brevity cue well, prepare to waste hours and hours of your valuable time with this person in the future. Better yet, deal with a sales representative who keys off you and doesn’t waste your time selling twice when once was enough!
7. MAKE HIM FIGHT FOR YOU BUSINESS- Small customers all too often get small service. Find out how much value a sales representative places on you business by making him not just ask for you business but fight for it. Throw out another objection or two and see how he handles them. How well he’ll handle REAL problems in the future. It will also give you an idea of the kind of service you can expect. If he’ll fight for you business, he’ll probably go to bat for you in the future if a problem arises. How hard the sales representative fights for you business tell you the importance he places on you as a customer. DEMAND that he places a lot of importance on you business.
Ken Henning
President Superior Lamp
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